Friday, February 10, 2012

Rose Colored Glasses in February

I don't know why I love February so much more than January! There is something about this month that just makes me happy. We are on the cusp of spring inklings, there are Valentine's day greeting card commercials that make your heart swell, and I just feel more motivated to smile more each day. Heck, I even painted my nails the color 'falling in love' pink with sparkles :)

Now, granted my family has 3 birthdays in February (grandma feb. 19th, mom feb. 3 and me feb. 23), there is Valentine's Day, and I am officially done coaching basketball as of February 2, 2012, which could account for the burst of happiness and feeling of freedom. Granted, I loved coaching those girls, and wore my heart on my sleeve every game- watching my team of 9 sixth through eighth graders hustle their butts off even when down by 30 points...but, I do like having an afterschool cup of chai on my porch while the sun is still up! At one point, I had such a vivid dream about coaching, that I woke myself up yelling, "box her out!"

Throughout this season, I have been so humbled by the experience of coaching. It was an ultimate test of trust in my girls, watching them fail, wanting painfully to get out there and make everything better, and then understanding that all I could do was call a time out- or yell words of encouragment or wisdom (which was hard to come by with me :)

Looking back, I know I will always remember these girls the most- my first season ever coaching. We lost every single game, but it was one of the best things I have ever done.

Happy February :)