Sangam and I had such a wonderful time being home over Christmas Break! We were able to spend time with a lot of fantastic people we don't get to see nearly enough! Catching up with my college roomates was like taking a breath of fresh air. Bethany is a new mom, and it was surreal to see her, totally in that role, and doing beautifully. Jessica and Cathy are fantastic as always, running marathons, producing web series and conquering the world!
It was a much needed trip to see my sister! I am so thankful to have the close relationship I have with her. I am so proud of her, as she successfully finished her student teaching, and is gearing up for the teaching world- she will be an AMAZING teacher!! The older we get, the more we realize how alike we are. Here she is with her cute patootie boyfriend Allen- he is quite sweet :)
My mom had a total knee replacement surgery December 12, but was doing so well here, Christmas Day. She has been through the wringer with surgeries lately, but this surgery and her next (another total knee replacement this summer), are going to be transformational to the quality of her life, woohoo for that!
The 'menfolk' did a fair amount of bonding. I love that about the Holidays. We would just play cards, or go for a walk with one another. Every time we go home to visit, it feels like precious time, where we just want to soak up the people we are with. I could actually feel myself unwinding during the first days of the break!

My dad took Sangam and I pheasant hunting. Mind you, it was the third time I had ever held a gun (the other two were at gun safety class, and practicing at the shooting range with dad!) Sheesh! We walked up and down these fields, and literally, I felt panicked for the first twenty minutes! When a pheasant actually flew up right in front of me, I screamed... Oh well, at least it was a pretty day and I got to experience something new! Sangam on the other hand, was a natural, and kept up with my dad pretty well. We ended getting a few birds, which we cooked up that night- pretty delicious!
It was a blast seeing the girls and company :) at a soiree hosted by the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Katorski. Jenna and Nathan put on a fabulous partay, and it was so fun catch up with some people I had not seen in a long time! Getting together with my high school girls always makes me feel so joyful! There is something about friendships that have stood the test of time. These girls knew me before I ever plucked my eyebrows for gosh sakes! The time always seems to fly by, and it's time to head home again!
I felt spoiled by all of the love and fun family and friends we were surrounded by.
God has blessed my life so richly, and sometimes I need the Christmas season to remind me of just how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life!
I know I am a sap- but I can't help it...My family is just dang cute!
Even though Christmas is over, and I am now knee deep in my routine again, with palm trees instead of snow, I am continuing to keep Christmas in my heart- all the days through :)
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