Ahhh, it's spring break week! In Houston, this is the best time of year, weather wise. It is a balmy 65-75 everyday, with sunshine and blue skies. So, this year, we decided to stay in Houston and get some much needed rest and relaxation, and save a little moola at the same time!
I decided that in between doing the necessary things like getting the oil changed in my car, and cleaning our apartment and getting my dental checkup out of the way, I would sprinkle in a fun/new thing each day, to spice things up a bit.
Monday: Wabash Antiques and Feed Store
When I walked in, I wasn't sure what I would find, a cat greeted me at the door, and the smell of pet food and pollen filled my senses- hmmm...

I rounded a corner, and oh boy, there were some hearty looking chickens! They were happily eating, and laying eggs galore- you could go in a pick some up, talk about fresh! I was a little apprehensive of walking into the crowded henhouse to take their eggs, maybe next time :)

There were baby ducks, bunnies and even roosters! It felt like spring had sprung right in the middle of Houston! I had an urge to take home these baby ducks, letting them swim in our bathtub to welcome Sangam home from work- eek!
The more I explored, I soon realized that this little store was filled with secret rooms hidden at first, but once you followed the hallway, it opened up into these spaces FILLED with goodies!
I know there is such a thing as too much color, but I think you have to try really hard to accomplish this. I am in love with bursts of bright, vibrant colors. Someday, I want to have a big back yard with little foot bridges, tree houses and these metallic, colorful flowers creating a path of whimsy, ahhhh...
I was so pleased with my Monday fun activity, life is grand when you have the day off! This curvy cowgirl showed me to my car, how nice :)
Tuesday: Operation Banana Bread
I've always gobbled up my Grandma's delicious banana bread, but had never made a batch of my own. What better time to try a baking endeavor than when you are making it for Sangam Napit, who loves practically anything! We had some frozen, black bananas so I thought, here goes! Stage #1: Mash the frozen bananas...brrrr!
Stage #2: Mix in the butter, sugar, vanilla, flour and a pinch of salt! I am always amazed that what I am mixing is going to turn into something that actually tastes good...especially when it looks like this...hmmm...

I asked Sangam to take my picture, it's important to have domestic tasks documented, like seeing an albino squirrel, you need to capture illusive images when they happen!
Out of the pan and into the oven...
The apartment smelled fabulous, Grandma would be proud :) Here is my lovely husband, who raved about each bite as we had some afternoon tea and fresh banana bread. Satisfaction, check!
You are so ridiculously adorable!! I love the albino squirrel line! And, I love the pictures of you and Sangam! It's like I am there too! I am imagining myself enjoying your delicious banana bread!!!! Love and hugs!