Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh how my sinuses astound me!!

Springtime in Houston is a special time. To commemorate the fun that is humidity and pollen combined, I thought I would express my feelings through poetry... :)

Springtime in Houston...a Poem:

I wake in the morning, and open my eyes
On this sunny day, I got a surprise

My eyes are sealed closed
I MUST blow my nose
The only thing not running are the tips of my toes

I feel that a headache is just the beginning
Of loosing health's battle, there is just no winning

Pollen, dander, dust and mold
Allegra, zyrtec, claritin, I'm sold

And just when I think that I'm in the clear
I breathe in deeply and sneeze with a smear

Oh thank you dear Houston,
for bringing the sting
The watering, packed in, stuffed nasal thing

I want to go biking, running, be free
Now only if I could do this, and be able to see


1 comment:

  1. This is actually really good :). And, I know how you feel. My allergies hate me right now too. I didn't think I would get them, but they have now flared up at 22 and I am stuck with them now forever. Ugh. Love springtime?
